Here it is... you should be able to click on it with the left mouse button to get a larger view, or click on it with the right mouse button and copy the picture for your own use. It is based on the Lexington Precinct map and is in the public domain.
I also selected a smaller section of this, which is just the Minuteman Connector, between the Minuteman Bikeway and the Battle Road. This one is a 2-Mbyte bitmap file which should print in fairly high definition.
For the entire WLG map above, I have the bitmap file, which is more detailed and may be better for printing. It is 8.3 Mbyte, and too big to load here, apparently. I have it as a ZIP file of about 600 Kbytes.
I also have it as a black-and-white PDF file with fairly good grayscale, so the shaded areas can be seen. It can be printed on a single sheet of paper. Email me to ask for either of these. (paul.the.knight at the mail address
If I find a good way to load it on this blog, I'll do it.
If you print this on a good black-and-white printer, you should be able to see the shading, as well. You may need to re-scale it to fit on one page. From "Paint" on my PC, it will fit on one page when scaled at 33%.
Please note that all the changes are done by me and do not necessarily represent any Town-approved plans. This is for informational purposes. The Master Plan process will result in official plans.